What Is Contemporary Art?

MoMA | Coursera, YouTube, MoMA Magazine

“What is contemporary art? In this course, you’ll consider this question through works of art made since 1980. Hear directly from artists, architects, and designers from around the globe about their creative processes, materials, and inspiration. You’ll look at 3D–printed glass and fiber sculptures, performances in a factory and a museum, portraits (including those made with artificial intelligence) and interventions into television and video games. Not only will you develop a deeper understanding of how artists work today, you’ll also explore some of their approaches to the pressing issues and questions of our time. By taking this course, you’ll build skills for looking at contemporary art wherever you encounter it and make connections to your own life or creative practice.”

My role: I worked with a team of educators, curators, and film and audio producers to conceptualize the instructional design and lessons, support in-person film shoots, provide interpretive feedback on video and audio scripts and drafts, edit texts, draft creative discussion forum prompts and assessments, craft newsletters, review and respond to learner feedback, and design community-building activations such as meet-ups and creative challenges.

Enroll in the course

Watch the YouTube playlist

Hear from the artists on MoMA Magazine


A Piece of Work podcast


Art as a Radical Act audio tour