Fashion as Design
MoMA | Coursera, YouTube, audio tour, wall labels
“Fashion as Design focuses on a selection of garments and accessories from around the world, ranging from kente cloth and denim to turtlenecks, swimwear, and 3D-printed dresses. Through these garments, you’ll take a closer look at what we wear, why we wear it, how it’s made, and what it means. Hear directly from a range of designers, makers, historians, and others working with clothing every day—and, in some cases, reinventing it for the future. Studio visits, interviews, and other resources introduce the history and development of each garment and their changing uses, meanings, and impact over time.”
This course was developed in concert with the exhibition Items: Is Fashion Modern?, organized by Paola Antonelli and Michelle Millar Fisher. It is designed as a standalone online learning experience that enables global audiences—those who visited the exhibition as well as those who didn’t—to discover and engage with the key ideas long after the physical exhibition closed. Longer form audio, video, and text interviews in the course enable learners to go into depth on the designers’ ideas and hear from them first-hand, and the parallel production allowed internal teams to efficiently and strategically create content for print, in-person, and online platforms.
My role: I worked with a team of educators, curators, and film and audio producers to conceptualize the instructional design and lessons, provide interpretive feedback on video and audio scripts and drafts, edit texts, draft creative discussion forum prompts and assessments, craft newsletters, review and respond to learner feedback, and design community-building activations such as meet-ups and creative challenges.